20 Mar 2017 runners

Anyone who plays a sport, such as basketball or football, will probably be aware of the extra pressure placed on their feet and ankles when they play. This extra force can affect the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, resulting in acute injuries, and significant long-term wear and tear.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t play sports. Allowing you take some extra precautions, and seek regular podiatry care, even the biggest sports players can keep their feet and ankles in tip-top shape.

Here, we outline some of the common issues athletes, either professional or amateur, experience.

Common Types of Injuries

Two common forms of sport injuries, which are often linked to basketball players, are an acute injury (caused by a sudden or forceful blow), and chronic injuries (one that develops over a period of time and slowly gets more aggravated).

Each type of injury can result in ankle sprains, muscle pulls, torn ligaments, tendon ruptures, and fractures.

What Usually Causes Foot and Ankle Injuries

Many chronic or overuse foot and ankle injuries happen when players skip, or perform an inadequate warm up, or wear ill-fitting shoes or worn out shoes. Each of these scenarios can result in a biomechanical deformity that places undue stress on both the feet and ankles.

Sometimes, foot and ankle injuries can occur accidently, and are difficult to prevent. These can happen when players land improperly, trip, or are injured by another player.

How Can You Reduce Your Risk of Injury?

Strapping your ankles before training or a match and wearing the correct footwear will help prevent ankle sprains. Maintaining your fitness levels, so that you’re not trying to perform above your capabilities will all help to reduce your chances of injury. Completing a proper warm up is another way to keep injuries to a minimum.

There are inherent biomechanical foot alignments that will affect foot alignment, and may contribute to foot and ankle injuries. If you do experience any discomfort or ongoing pain, it’s essential you seek treatment from a qualified podiatrist straight away. After you have sought the proper medical attention, adhering to recovery times is essential to ensure you don’t cause any long-term damage. If you have injured your foot or ankle playing sport, the worst thing you can do is try and play through the pain, as this will only worsen the problem.

Sometimes the best thing you can do for both your health and your team is to cheer from the sidelines when you’re injured.

If you play a lot of sport and have noticed some discomfort or pain in your feet or ankles, contact Cannington Podiatry today.